THAILAND PROPERTY | Thailand Real Estate

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    The Thailand property market, known for its diversity, investment potential, and scenic locales, has long captivated both local and international investors. As we step into a new era, it’s crucial to delve into the current trends shaping the real estate landscape in the Land of Smiles. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview

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  • realestate
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    Paying your property taxes in Thailand is obliged to adhere with government regulations and correctly pay the necessary tax obligations.

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  • foreign exchange
    Jan 19, 2015 Foreign Exchange Form
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    Foreign Exchange Transaction Certificate as it is among the documentary requirements needed when purchasing properties in the Kingdom and registering these on their names.

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  • realestate
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    Access to mortgage in Thailand by a foreigner is limited to a few banks only.

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  • Lease in Thailand
    Jan 19, 2015 Lease in Thailand
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    In Thailand, the maximum lease period is 30 years only and as prescribed by law, only leases that exceed 3 years is required to be registered.

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  • realestate
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    If condominium owners are obliged to contribute to the sinking fund, they must also pay the maintenance fee.

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